Thursday, 4 November 2010
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Ramsgate Slipway
My Grandad and Dad used to operate the slipways at Ramsgate Harbour. We were looking through some old pictures recently and came across this one which we thought was quite topical at present.
This picture of the Steam Tug Kenia marked a turning point in the history of Ramsgate Harbour. The reason being that she was the last Steam Tug to be repaired on the slipway at Ramsgate. The companies that owned the Fleet of London River Tugs (Watkins and Ship Towage) decided to have larger diesel tugs built. This meant that they were to big for the slipway at Ramsgate. Later on all the repair work was moved up to Sheerness with the loss of many jobs at C.Halladays and Claxtons, this was around 1960-61.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Lavender shortbread
The recipe I used was one I happened upon in a magazine and it had cornflour in it which is quite unusual but the resulting shortcake just melts in the mouth and the lavender flavour is a fantastic reminder of summer.
Next maybe lavender scones, lavender ice cream, lavender .........
Monday, 6 September 2010
Headless Football
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Cupcake Pictures
I felt the urge for cupcakes today, but not having access to any I had to make do with making some pictures instead.
I was hoping that the lovely colours would take my mind off the weather, is it just me or has it got chillier in the evenings, I have taken to wearing a jumper which is not good for the start of September.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Adult Education Taster day
Friday, 3 September 2010
Thursday, 2 September 2010
I have started making button jewellery which looks really funky but trying to find the right buttons has been really difficult and expensive. But on holiday I discovered a lovely wool shop in the Cotswolds selling large packs of buttons at reasonable prices hence I have a lot of buttons in lots of beautiful colours.
Trouble is with having lots of buttons is how to store them my others where away in a box but I liked the idea of having them on display so I had some kilner jars which I thought might work - it did.
So now the kids are back at school I can catch up with all the crafty jobs I have put on hold including sorting out my every growing button collection.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Ramsgate Squall workshop
I attended the felting workshop as part of the summer squall event. Nobody quite knew what to expect and all those who attended took home a wonderful felted flower. It was really good fun and very therapeutic as there was a lot of pummelling involved - a great stress buster.
Thank you to Joan Ward for a brilliant workshop and those at Ramsgate Arts for a job well done.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Monday, 2 August 2010
I also asked about parking - they are expecting people to park in College Road Car Park and walk through the Old Town past all the shops. Trouble is I wouldn't park in that car park as I find it very scary and so do a lot of people I have spoken too, hmmm!
So that's another trip to Margate under my belt, next one will be for the Kite Festival.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Broadstairs Harbour
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Broadstairs Harbour Market
My littleun has had a nasty ear infection all week so in between feeding him medicine and given him hugs, I have been trying to make some more jewellery to sell this week, which hasn't been easy.
How do other people manage to work from home? Its very difficult and with the holidays coming up I am wondering how its going to work. The Broadstairs Harbour market will be around all folk week and hopefully weather and stock permitting I will be there, and then we are going on holiday! I think I am going to need it.
Friday, 9 July 2010
How does you garden grow?
We were quite surprised by the amount of tourists we spoke to on Sunday, didn't know they existed in such large quantities, everybody loved the place and the majority said they would be back!
So TDC listen up, stop cutting the tourism budget, the tourists are here and they need looking after.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
This is my very good friend Emma from Ems Truly Scrumptious Cupcakes she is selling her very delicious cupcakes at The Dickens Festival, Victoria Gardens from 10am - 5pm. If you would like some more info on the cakes she makes please just click on this link
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Windy day
Monday, 31 May 2010
Sock monkeys
This one has found a new home with a friend.
And this one has gone to my eldest's girlfriend.
I was supposed to be selling them ebay and folksy, oh well gives me an excuse to make some more.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Ladies Night St Mildreds School
Monday, 24 May 2010
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Lemon meringue cupcakes
I have been wondering whether you could make a lemon meringue pie into a cupcake and strangely enough I bought a cake book last week and there was a recipe for them, so how could I resist.
I tried them out on all the family and everybody agreed they were delicious.
Friday, 16 April 2010
EXhibtion Time
Broadstairs library are staging The Isle of Thanet Photographic Society photo exhibition at present, and my brother-in-law has a photo on show(top right -the one with the crocuses).
All the pictures are very good and worth a visit if passing.
P.S Happy Birthday Louis.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Shelter Update
I think an automated email receipt system would be benefical as people would know whether their email had been received, just a thought.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Help, I need some TLC
My son has been learning how to ride his bike on the prom in the eastcliff area of Ramsgate.
Yesterday I noticed the poor state of repair of the old shelter roof.
The slates look very heavy and some have already fallen off.
I think some TLC is due (or should I say TDC)
Friday, 9 April 2010
Easter Holidays
We popped over to King George VI Park earlier this week and had a explore through the undergrowth and an Ice Cream. As you can see it was quite cold and miserable.

P.S There is a market down Broadstairs Harbour this weekend, Ems Cupcakes are going to be there and her cakes are scrummy.