Thursday, 25 June 2009


I have managed to grow an extremely bent cucumber that would not pass an EU inspection but what the hell. I am going to leave it until the weekend and make some tzatziki out of it with some fresh baked bread, YUM!!!!!

On a more itching note my youngest has finally succumbed to Chicken Pox luckily its not too bad, he is covered in spots but they don't seem too itchy, fingers crossed this is a bad as it is going to get.

So I went up to Boots last night and bought lots of calamine lotion and cotton wool, its amazing how a smell can bring back loads of memories - laying on the settee feeling very sorry for myself, whilst my mum kept telling me to stop scratching. Trouble is I can't stop itching myself maybe I should put some lotion on me, maybe not.
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1 comment:

Don Wood said...

Love your cucumber I havent grown one in 30 years and when I did it tasted great. Saint Pauls Allotment had the first new potatos last week Growing your own is good. Our grandkids have had chicken pops as well