Thursday 4 December 2008

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

I thought this might brighten up everybodies day as I don't think it is actually going to get light today.

I bought this at Bluewater on Tuesday, couldn't resist it. I love colour - I only have three black items in my wardrobe, a Tesco's cashmere jumper, a skirt from Monsoon and a pair of trousers - everything else is full of colour and I think it helps your mood if you wear something colouful - I am actually wearing red stripes today!

Anyway it would have been my Nan's birthday today and she was always given a huge box of chocolates with a padded silky lid with a picture of fluffy kittens or some other fluffy animal, they would last her ages and as a treat we were allowed to choose one - yum! Nowadays people eat chocolates regularly but then it was such a luxury, how things change.
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